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Chinese fine old white tea

What old white tea? Generally speaking, it is old white tea for more than three years. The nutritional value of old white tea is extremely high, and the folk have always had the saying "one year of tea, three years of medicine, seven years of treasure".
Before understanding the efficacy and role of old white tea, we may wish to first understand this old white tea:

First of all, the appearance of old white tea is darker than that of new white tea, showing dark brown, while the appearance of new tea is brown green; The aroma is completely different, the new tea is fresh and fresh, the old tea is Chen Yun fragrance, smell the awakening God, the smell is clean and not cloudy;

After brewing, the difference is more obvious, the new tea taste is similar to green tea, there is a light green taste, millifragrance honey rhyme; The taste of old white tea is more mellow, the tea soup is rich, thick and smooth, and the fragrance changes rich. With the extension of time, it will transform into lotus leaf aroma, glutinous rice aroma, reed aroma, jujube aroma, and even a light medicinal aroma.

In the soaking resistance, old white tea is also better; New tea can be brewed more than 10 ways, old tea can reach more than 20 bubbles, tea flavor is still in, put in the pot to boil, you can also cook two or three POTS;

In addition, the suitability of old white tea is more extensive, suitable for men and women to drink all year round.

1, often drink old white tea can improve immunity, prevent viruses caused by the cold, old white tea has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, but also can prevent dental caries, prevent tooth decay;

2, old white tea helps gastrointestinal digestion, can promote appetite, long drink can nourish the stomach, and has the function of treating ulcers;

3. Old white tea has the medicinal effect of three anti-diseases and three health, especially suitable for middle-aged and elderly people to drink, can effectively prevent the attack of heart disease and stroke, and has a significant effect on the balance of blood sugar;

4, drinking old white tea can benefit the mind and refresh the eyes, produce fluid to quench thirst, help digestion, tea friends who want to lose weight can drink old white tea to solve greasy, scraping oil and lipid reduction;

5. Long-term adherence to drinking old white tea can also prevent osteoporosis, prevent the incidence of skin cancer, and warm heart and lung heat hands and feet in winter;

Although old white tea has the saying of "three-year medicine", old white tea is really tea, and it is the guarantee of a healthy life for the whole family. Even for the efficacy and effect of this old white tea, it is good to drink more.