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Raw Puer Tea Cake - COLORFULTEA

The raw puerh tea cake. also known as uncooked pu-erh tea pie. is made from compressing 357 g (12.6 oz) of Yunnan maocha green tea. Historically tea compression makes transportation of tea more efficient and easy. This special delicacy is from the Yunnan province. This tea can be stored and allow to age. It is well known that the longer you store Puerh tea the better the quality. Our raw puerh tea cake has been aged for over 2 years.

Weight: 357 g (12.6 oz).

Includes: Tea Leaves. Packing Bag.

Quality Guarantee Period: 24 Months.

Home: Yunnan

Leaf: Profoundly dark green. shot with hints of yellow.

Brew: Opaque yellow. smoky tones on top of a rain-fresh tang. slightly bitter.

Scoop: Sheng pu'er is fermented for only four or five months. and kept a maximum of one or two years before drinking.

Raw Puer Tea Cake